
I have stayed away from this subject till now.  Everyone has an opinion so here's mine...

I only watched 20 minutes of the debate last night, but that's all it took.  This trend goes back to the 1992 debates.  I found myself watching a little CSPAN and watched the debate from that election.  A guy named Bill Clinton was promising the moon and a hick named Ross Perot was a straight talker, and the original Bush was the man in charge.

Same subjects: economy; energy; taxes; reform; lies...

Leaders think that they need to give such a huge vision for people to buy into.  Just like in 1992, the vision is aimed to the people, not the potential of the leader.  People are sick of over-promising and under-delivering.  

We are in a great place as leaders in the church.  So many are looking for a leader they can trust.  Washington is doing a great job giving leaders a bad name.  Let us be the leaders people can trust in.

Next time you start promising the moon to people, change it to just reach the clouds.  Then bring people with you to the clouds, and the moon will be in reach. 

Stay true to what God has spoken to you, don't change it to please people.  You won't please them, you will only tick them off.  


Mimi K said...

We need to follow Christ. We need to look unto the author and finisher of our faith.

***Mimi..member of Gabbard Tabernacle***

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